
Dr. Carrie Madej - A Wake Up Call To The World

Dr. Carrie Madej Warns About Dangerous New Vaccine's Hydrogel, and Secret CDC Programs

What is our new and tyrannical normal...

The New Normal Documentary by Happen Network. This documentary investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution / Artificial Intelligence (AI). It offers an important description of what is happening, what is at stake and how we can recognize the very risky realm where convenience, control and tyranny intersect. It is February 2021, and the world is still in lockdown and our economy is on the brink of collapse.

MIT Scientist Exposes Covid-19 Hoax in Bombshell Interview

Published: July 22, 2021

Dr. Andrew Kaufman of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the fearmongering propaganda and the worldwide biosecurity dictatorship forced on the people of planet Earth, to submit and surrender to the evil, eugenist globalist tyrannical takeover.

To be happy, we have to be healthy first. To achieve that goal we should avoid processed foods, alcohol, sodas, coffee and tobacco. Our body can absorb naturally produced vitamins by consuming fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Furthermore, each of us have trillions of microorganisms (gut flora) living in our intestines, or digestive canal, which help digest our food and produce vitamins and minerals our body needs. Artificial and or synthesized vitamins are actually harmful. We at The Venus Project Foundation do not advocate any artificial and or synthesized vitamins.

Freedom Airway - #SolutionsWatch

Published: Jan 19, 2021

Under Natural Law, We, the people have inalienable rights, among which are: freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of travel, and bodily integrity rights. The job and the responsibility of the government is to uphold, protect and defend our rights. And if any government fail to do so, we must push back and defend our inalienable rights. No one can infringe on our rights, to compel anyone to be vaccinated for any reasons.

Professor Dolores Cahill joins the deprogram today to discuss a solution for freedom-respecting travel in the age of COVID. The Freedom Airway & Freedom Travel Alliance is seeking to create travel options that don’t require travelers to submit to vaccination, face masks or quarantines. Find out more in this week's edition of #SolutionsWatch.


Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020)

Published: June 13, 2020

There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.


The Future of Vaccines

If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking place in research labs across the planet. This is a study of The Future of Vaccines.


Tucker: Fauci deserves to be under 'criminal investigation'

Published: June 02, 2021

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to Dr. Fauci's emails exposed.

Also See:

Catherine Austin Fitts - Covid 19 Coup d'état - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown

The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

Crimes Against Humanity: The German Corona Investigation - The PCR Pandemic

Heated Vaccine Debate - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - vs - Alan Dershowitz

Respiratory Therapist Exposes the Fake Virus Pandemic

Many Health Benefits of Garlic, The Organic Wonder Drug

Communist Coercive Methods for Eliciting Individual Compliance

55 People Died in US After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines: Reporting System