
This may shock you to learn that pharmaceutical companies, criminal doctors, prostituted politicians, governments and all others involved profiting from medical fascism racket, world wide mass murder, know the truth that there are no viruses of any kind, never has been. The flu and all other so called infectious diseases are caused by human body detoxing and ejecting environmental, processed foods, coffee, sodas, smoking and other toxins accumulated in human body.

You see, 1861 Louis Pasteur of France claimed he had discovered that VIRUSES are responsible for causing infectious diseases. He called it “Germ Theory” of disease, proposing creation of a vaccine for each virus. Since 1861 until today April of 2023, no one could isolate, see or find any actual virus of any kind, even the most powerful microscopes cannot detect the existence of any virus. All viruses images are graphic designer, computer generated fakes.

We, the people must always remember that the parasite ruling class (PRC) four main and never ending purposes in life are: EUGENICS, WAR, GENOCIDE and MONEY.

We, the people must learn that PRC is and has been using fear of diseases such as influenza (fictional viruses) created by the people behind the so called “Global Health Security” to impose global control, population reduction and tyranny.! Fear is the best tool, there are no other more effective trick, that could make millions of unaware innocent people voluntarily walk to their nearest hospital (slaughter house) to be culled.

The Milken Institute “Universal Flu Vaccine” the conspiracy documentary below was recorded on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 by C-SPAN2 and conducted by Milken Institute. - Just like the Event 201 Pandemic Exercise of November 04, 2019 - this footage of open conspiracy is crystal clear evidence of premeditated mass murder of millions. It is more than enough to convict all of the psychopaths involved.!

Milken Institute Making Influenza History - The Quest for a Universal Vaccine

Recorded On: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 - 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM - Ritz Carlton, Salon 3A - Washington DC

Currently, there is no greater threat to global health, security, and the economy than the emergence of a highly transmissible influenza virus that could spark the next global pandemic. Yet we have become complacent to the threat of influenza. The annual event referred to by the media as "the cold and flu season" has created the notion that influenza is unavoidable. New treatments and improved diagnostics will enhance our management of influenza. Above all, we need a better vaccine to prevent the annual toll--and a vaccine that will be available before the next pandemic strikes. Philanthropists, governments, and the private sector have joined forces to invest in breakthrough science and catalyze a global response to the inevitable next flu pandemic. But are we organized to take full advantage of today's science and technology to find an effective universal influenza vaccine?

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?

* The Real Anthony Fauci - History's Biggest Mass Murderer - The Movie