
2020 / 2024 - The Covid Coup d'état - An On Going Assault On Humanity

Published: March 2020

1 - The Parasite Ruling Class (PRC) own all Prostituted Politicians, Banks, Wall Street, Hollywood, Entertainment Propaganda, Medical Industry, High-tech, Social platforms, Terrorist Mass Media and everything else in between.  Everything we see and hear is filtered by the PRC agents to divide and conquer.  All that we see and hear are propaganda, designed to alter reality, thus normalizing constant fear, anxiety, slavery, fraud, deception, war and murder for profit.  The terrorist media’s barrage of horrible false flag events goal is to hypnotize we, the people, 24 / 7, (human sees, human told, human does), through PRC’s vast network of terror and propaganda spreading large and small screens.

2 - For the past couple of hundred years the parasite ruling class first used barbaric religions, claiming god put them on earth to rule. And soon after the enlightenment, they begin to play the eugenics card, that their kinds of parasites are genetically superior to the rest of us, thereby the parasite ruling class are chosen people and rulers of planet Earth. The fact is that we, the people created our government to preserve and protect our rights and liberties. And we have the right to nullify any and all government’s unconstitutional and illegal decrees.

3 - The parasite ruling class are and have been using fear and intimidation to push their nefarious and unconstitutional edicts, through prostituted politicians issued decrees dictating how we should live our lives. Thereby we, the people, should begin the conversation and work with our U.S. Armed Forces and Police officers, enlightening them if need be and remind them that they are from we, the people and their duty is to protect the public, country and constitution, not the politicians and parasite ruling class.

4 - Everyone of us should copy these efforts in our own state, enlightening our U.S. Armed Forces and Police officers to refuse going abroad, kill and be killed to further the parasite ruling class agenda. We should ask our police officers to ignore the illegal, and unconstitutional mandates, and all victimless, nonviolent and peaceful crimes. We should make it our civic duty and mission to at least talk to one police officer each day and encourage them to learn the truth, that for example: “vaccines do not cure, or prevent diseases, never have.  Vaccines are used to spread diseases, thus create markets, demands and millions for criminal, drug dealing doctors knowingly prescribing toxic drugs, and billions for the parasite ruling class, achieving their evil eugenics goals.!”

5 - The eugenics, criminal, drug-dealing doctors, fascist drug companies and hospitals making billions from prescribing toxic drugs and vaccines, injecting we, the people and our children, with the goal of population reduction (mass murder).  Murdering our infant children with vaccines, diagnosing the death as cases of sudden infant death syndrome, but never the vaccines.  The damn bio-weapon vaccines are made to kill some, and to sicken many others, causing all kinds of chronic diseases, forcing you to buy more drugs to deal with the side effects, pouring billions into parasite ruling class, the mass murderer’s pockets.

6 - We, the people, must learn that The United State’s Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, which supersedes all other laws. Furthermore, when states and or federal government agencies or employees violate U.S. Constitution they are committing felony. We, the people, have been deliberately lied to and cornered for the past 100 years. We are under constant attack by the fascist corporations of all kinds, prostituted politicians, entertainment, media and press. We must educate ourselves and learn how to make intelligent, prudent decisions regarding our health, food, nutrition, air, water and education of our children.

7 - To preserve our human rights and liberties, we must exercise them daily, thus keep elected officials, individuals in government and public sector personally responsible for their illegal, corrupt and inhuman conducts. Meaning that we, the people, must hold each and every single one of the said elected officials, public-servants, local, state and federal government employees personally responsible, regardless of rank, position and whom they work for. Each Individual is directly responsible for his, or her own unlawful, criminal actions against we, the people. Therefore notify those culpable in writing using U.S. Postoffice registered mail, give them 30 days to respond, before taking them to court. Takes eternal vigilance to safeguard our rights and liberties, we love and cherish. "A free people claim their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate." Thomas Jefferson, 1774.

8 - Learning to cook is a life saver.  We should learn all about herbal medicine, good healthy foods consisting of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and our favorite meats with fat on them, thus living our life free from all forms of alcohol, coffee, sodas, juices, drinks, tobacco, GMOs, toxic drugs, chemicals and processed foods; to enjoy a healthy and happy life.!  And when you feel sick, with flue like symptoms, or any other symptoms, that is simply your body trying to clean up and detox.  Don’t panic, as many herbal healers suggest, just relax, water fast and be positive knowing that you are getting healthy.  We at The Venus Project Foundation do not recommend any artificial and or synthesized vitamins.

9 - We, the people, should never forget that creating the problem and soon after offering the solution, (false flag operation) has been the parasites ruling class pattern of manipulation and control.  We must be awake and never believe the terrorist mass media and their warmongering journalism.  Try to imagine what would happen if we, the people were healthy and happy.?  What would happen to the propaganda spreading mass media, drug manufacturers, drug pushing, commission collecting doctors and hospitals.?  They will all go out of business.! - Knowledge is power.!

10 - We, the people, should recognize our eugenist and warmongering enemies.!  We have to learn all about them and stop cooperating.!  We must talk to our family and friends, enlighten and support each other.!  There are no other ways to win back our inalienable rights, sovereignties and liberties.!  We must also learn that there are no chosen people anywhere, never has been.!  We, the people are equal, and in this together.! - Must Not Fight.!  We Must Unite.!

11 - The most frequently asked question: “HOW CAN I HELP, WHAT SHOULD I DO TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE?”  Talk; talk to people, talk to your family and friends, talk to your neighbor, talk to the police officers, military personnel and anyone who is willing to listen, politely and patiently explain the new revealing facts you discovered.  Invite people to come and sit together with you once a week, share new information, ideas and inform one-another.

12 - Before REACTING to anything: events, mandates, news, physical and or verbal confrontation, etc., take one step back, followed by taking three (3) deep breath. This simple practice will save you lots of time, treasure and pain.

Those who do not learn from their history of countless false flags, eugenics, endless wars and genocide, will be doomed to repeat it.!

* Plandemic Truth Be Told - Germ Theory - Virology Or Toxicology.?