
Generally There Are Four Different Categories Of People

- By Bahram Maskanian - April 12, 2006

The wake-free-spirited category consists of dignified people of integrity, who live their lives free from social, political, philosophical and religious constrains. Instead they live their lives based on reason, common sense principles and ethical standards. They question everything, everyone, every authority and would never harm anybody.

The second category is the ordinary, or common, dignified people of integrity, who would never question authorities, do as they are told and believe government will protect them, their family and loved ones. The said blind trust is and has been exploited by the parasite ruling class and their prostituted authorities to manipulate and control the ignorant masses.!

The third category is the most unpredictable and dangerous one, the lowlifes. They are not dignified, they have no clue what integrity means. Lowlifes are nothing but dimwitted, narcissistic morons.! In constant search of next piece of ass, PARTY, drinking alcohol and fucking anything that walks.!

Lowlifes sacrifice anyone to have FUN, PARTY, and enjoy cheap thrills, which will cause enormous pain and suffering to those who were ignorant enough to love and trust them. Lowlifes have no dignity, no honor, no moral compass, no ethical standards, no love and respect for themselves; consequently no love and respect for those who love and care for them.

Lowlifes give priority to boozing, and all other stupid, senseless harmful activities. For future reference those who feel they maybe lowlife should write down the definition of certain key words in the first page of your phone book, keep them on your person all the time and read them each time you are provoked and aroused.

The first word is dignity, which means the state and quality of being worthy of honor and respect. Someone who possess integrity, the internal consistency and lack of corruption, the quality of being honest and honorable, thus having strong moral principles and moral righteousness, who would never do anything or act in anyway, which could cause harm to others.

The forth and lowest category of life is the most dangerous: the parasite ruling class. 00.0001 percent of population, they dress and act as dignified on camera, but in reality they are pure evil, psychopaths, see themselves as chosen people, gods, with no compassion and no empathy.! They have been staging many false flag terrorist attacks, pandemics, fake revolutions and wars murdering millions of innocent children, women and men, for profit, and to reduce population of planet Earth for over a thousand years.!

To coverup their true evil nature and conducts, thus deceive the masses, the parasite ruling class invented many ranking titles, which they have been bestowing on one another such as, but not limited to: "Royal Family, King, Queen, Prince, Princes, Emperor, Imperial, Majesty, Lord, Lady, Baron, Baroness, Earl, Count, Countess, Dame, Viscount, Viscountess, Marquis, Marchioness, Duke, Duchess, Sir, Excellency, Eminence, Holy Father, Holy See, Pope, Pastor, Bishop, Cardinal, Reverend, Archbishop, President and Doctor.!”

The mass murdering and plundering parasites hied behind the said bogus titles, thus position and elevate themselves over and above we, the people, and the law. These titles have been created throughout history, encouraged and enforced by the religious mullahs (the priesthood class) to cover up the parasite ruling class's on going evil conducts, in millennia. We should refer to the parasite ruling class using the true and suitable titles such as: immoral, tyrant, eugenist, zionist, terrorist, mass murderer, psychopath, evil, warmonger and war profiteer instead.!

The good news is that all physiological chronic diseases and allergies, and psychological illnesses ranging from psychopathic and lowlife behavior to depression are caused by environmental and nutritional intake. Which means all illnesses can be cured by simple change of diet and harmful bad habits. To begin with; everyone should stop consuming all forms of alcohol, coffees, sodas, soft drinks, juices, processed foods, and tobacco. Enjoy fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, your favorite meat with fat, and stay clear all things GMO and artificial.

Fear is powerful immune suppressor and the best and most effective dominating tool. Fear causes stress, a powerful immune suppressor, which causes all kinds of illnesses. Don’t be afraid, celebrate your life and liberty, stand up, be proud and happy. Must never forget to be truly happy you have to be healthy first.

Also see: Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion