
Are There Limits to Growth? – Questions For Corbett #077

Published: August 21, 2021

Be afraid! Be very afraid! A “startling” “new” “scientific” report that “totally confirms” all of The Club of Rome’s fearmongering over The Limits to Growth! . . . But does it really confirm what it’s reported to confirm? And what are the limits to growth, anyway? Join James for the longest and most in-depth edition of Questions For Corbett yet as he does a deeeeeeep dive on The Club of Rome’s infamous reports, its celebrated “vindication,” the truth about overpopulation, and the future of life on earth.

Computation and the Human Predicament: The Limits to Growth and the limits to computer modeling - By American Scientist

The Last Word on World Overpopulation

Who Won the Bet of the Century? Interview 1107 – Pierre Desrochers Explains the Bet of the Century

Published: 11/06/2015

In 1980 economist Julian Simon bet biologist Paul Ehrlich that the price of five commodity metals would decrease over the next 10 years. Today on the program Pierre Desrochers of the University of Toronto Mississauga joins us to explain how the bet came about, who won, and what was really at stake. Along the way we learn about depletionism versus resourceship, how lack of imagination leads people toward hysteria and failed predictions, and why the human brain is the greatest resource of all.

For so long the whole world have been misled to believe there is so called “deep state, or shadowy government, or invisible enemy”, the hoopla and secrecy associated with deep state, spreading highly misleading and bogus information, deceiving those in search of answers, to go around a circle.

The evil, zionist, eugenist, racist, warmongering aristocratic families, bankers and the European monarchy are well known. Starting from Cecil Rhodes and his vast stolen fortune, plundering South Africa, down to Lord Milner, Lord Selborne, Sir Patrick Duncan, Field Marshal Jan Smuts, Lord Lothian, Lord Brand, Meyer Amschel Rothschild; created and funded the secret organizations needed to cull humanity, murder millions of innocent children, women and men, to rule the world. They handed down the baton to Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, Carnegie, Schiff, Harriman and Warburg families. Through establishment of the Royal Institute For International Affairs (Secret Round Table) they penetrated governments all over the world and gain total control from within. But since in the United States, American people did not care much about royalties, it was named The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - “The Anglo-American Establishment - Secret Society” by professor Carroll Quigley, 1949.

The “obvious psychopath state” has been behind 119 bloody wars, some of which lasted over 100 years, since 1400 up to 2012, making billions in financing wars and confiscating mineral rich territories, plundering and murdering the innocent native people. They fabricated the usury central banking system, communism, fascism and virtually every evil befallen upon humanity is caused by the obvious state, ever-since.

The first and the most important task is to reform the current highly corrupt predetermined election system. Once each state has a trusted legislative body in place, we, the people can begin reforming all of our, economical, social and political ills.

Please also see: Since George Washington, U.S. First President, Guess How Many Of The U.S. Presidents Were Legitimately Elected.?