
Dr. David Martin’s Speech - Exposing COVID-19 Crimes Perpetrators - Switzerland - Must See

Published: December 12, 2023 - Switzerland

David Martin said that the virus called “coronavirus” was first described in 1965. Two years later, healthy British military personnel were infected with coronavirus pathogens from the US — “as part of our biological weapons program.”  In 1992, Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, took a pathogen that used to infect the gut and lungs and altered it with a chimera to make it infect the heart, causing cardiomyopathy. In November 2000, Pfizer patented its first spike protein vaccine. Martin explains why there are HIV fragments in COVID vaccines. The COVID shots were 19 years in the making by the time they were rolled out. Martin exposes more outrageous COVID crimes that include collusion, racketeering, criminal conspiracy murder that are ongoing.

All-cause mortality in the ages of 18 to 55 is now 40% higher in the people that were injected with a biological weapon.

Martin named the chief culprits: Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Jeremy Farrar, Chris Elias, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the World Health Organization, DARPA, the United Nations, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Gates Foundation.


1 - In an October 2023 lecture, David E. Martin, Ph.D., detailed how we can know that SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years.

2 - The virus called “coronavirus” was first described in 1965. Two years later, the U.S. and U.K. launched an exchange program where healthy British military personnel were infected with coronavirus pathogens from the U.S. as part of the U.S. biological weapons. program

3 - In 1992, Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, took a pathogen that used to infect the gut and lungs and altered it with a chimera to make it infect the heart, causing cardiomyopathy. This research was part of the efforts to produce an HIV vaccine.

4 - In November 2000, Pfizer patented its first spike protein vaccine. Between 2000 and 2019, vaccine trials using this technology proved it was lethal, yet in the summer of 2020, the clinical trials for the SARS-CoV-2 shots went straight into human trials.

5 - mRNA spike protein was publicly described as a bioweapon 18 years ago. In 2005, at a conference hosted by DARPA and The Mitre Corporation, the mRNA spike protein was hailed as a “biological warfare-enabling technology,” i.e., a biological warfare agent.

The video above features a lecture David E. Martin,1 Ph.D., gave in Dornach, Switzerland, in late October 2023. Martin is a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, which developed linguistic genomics, a platform capable of determining the intent of communications.

This technology has allowed Martin to scan and review millions of patents, resulting in a paper trail 2,3 that conclusively proves SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years.

Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “FAIR USE” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Venus Project Foundation is an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), public advocacy organization, based in New York City, United States.

Knowledge is power.! We, the people can easily initiate changes and reforms necessary by first and foremost educating ourselves, our loved ones and friends. To remedy humanity’s current tyrannical situation peacefully, using nonviolent resistance, we must share what we learn, that CIA, British intelligence and others like them work for the committee of 300 low-level crime families, whom are under the control of the symbolically alluded to as the thirteen top families; known as: “Deep State”, or “Ruling Oligarchy”, or “Parasite Ruling Class”, or “Secret Cabal”, or “Illamanaties”, or “Zionists”, or “Eugenist”, or “Nation-less Corporations”, or Multi Nationals, or “City of London”, etc., they are all referring to the same nefarious families secretly controlling planet Earth. The top of the pyramid families are as follows:

"Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses, along with few other filthy rich billionaires, controlling everything."
Bloodlines of Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier

All political, social and economical ideologies, revolutions and wars are and have always been orchestrated by the very same nefarious cabal, or parasite ruling class, to continuously murder innocent people for profit, thus reduce population, while increasing their wealth, control and power.  Don't comply, resist, oppose, disobey.

They are overtly poisoning our air, called geo-engineering, or chem-trails, spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts high above, while we are lied to and vaccinated with toxic chemicals, as our produce and foods are contaminated with highly toxic GMOs and chemical herbicides and fertilizers, and our water with fluoride.  Marching towards their Eugenics goals.  And these are what we know.!

Read and or download a free copy, everybody must read this amazing factual book.
* Bloodlines of Illuminati - By: Fritz Springmeier - 1995

* Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion

* Roundtable with Foster Gamble, Del Bigtree, Dr. David Martin, and Dr. Robert Young

* Gonzalo Lira - Murdered American Journalist Speaks From The Grave In Powerful Infowars Interview