
Introducing RENT Slavery...

The Rent Slavery Origin - Feudalism, Where The Parasite Ruling Class (PRC) Held Lands Slaving All Others

Evicted, Anguished Rent Slaves

All tenants are obliged to pay rent, in addition to homage, plus free labor and free share of the cultivated and grown produce on the leased land, in exchange for landlord armed guard protection.

- By Bahram Maskanian - July 15, 2019

David Ricardo Ricardian, an English political economist, made a fortune as stockbroker and usury loan dealer. He was born in 1772, he concocted the law of rent economic theories, based on the principles put forth by Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations.

"The rent of land, therefore, considered as the price paid for the use of the land, is naturally a monopoly price. It is not at all proportioned to what the landlord may have laid out upon the improvement of the land, or to what he can afford to take; but to what the farmer can afford to give." - Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter 11 "Of the Rent of Land"

It all began three thousand years ago, after the brutal rise of barbaric Judaism and its two derivatives, Christianity and Islam. Where the religious mullahs and the PRC joined together instigating horrifying “Holy Wars” murdering millions, confiscating peoples farms, homes, properties and even the people who survived the massacre became slaves, forced to rent and or lease their own land from (LandLord) to make a living, thus Feudalism was born.

In the Central and West Asia people used to live their lives in a friendly environment of cooperative capitalism social governing system. Farmers, teachers, cooks, day-labors, artists, healers, all worked and lived using the simple, equitable and open source cooperative economic system. Meaning that everything belonged to everybody and no one had the right, nor the authority to impose any unilateral decision about anything, or on anyone.

Cooperative simply means: mutual assistance in working toward a common goal, where every member has clearly defined tasks and equal share in a cooperative enterprise. Cooperative idea and individual capitalism were merged into a very user friendly and successful social governing system, until the Semite barbarism was unleashed.

Must keep in mind that today’s corporate capitalism has been designed deliberately to constantly for no reason raise the prices of everything nonstop, thus plunder all people all over the world brutally, for the benefit of hand full of PRC. is not really capitalism, it is a tyrannical corporate fascism.

On top of confiscating peoples’ farms, homes and generally all properties, the psychopath, the eugenist PRC gained great wealth and power through their fraudulent banking system and usury, creating money out of nothing. They bought politicians to enact unconstitutional laws to form Central Bank in United States. Treasonous congress passed Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which is a license for unlimited printing, controlling and lending nation’s money. Since Federal Reserve is the only unconstitutional Central Bank in United States, obviously means no competition.

The following clearly demonstrate the undeserved and unlawful means of accumulating hundreds of trillions of dollars since 1913. Lets say beginning of the year one, 50% of 300,000,000 million U.S. population want to take out $50,000 lone each at 5% annual interest, that would come to total of $52,500 dollars, which result in (150,000,000 x $2,500 = $375,000,000,000.00) or three hundred, seventy five billion dollars annual interest income collected for money that did not exist, printed out of thin air. By the end of year two they will have $750,000,000,000.00, and by the end of year three they are going to have $1,125,000,000,000.00, or one trillion one hundred twenty five billion dollars and so on. While accumulating unlimited wealth, PRC began to purchase real assets, buying all there is and turn we, the people to slave workers, slave renters for life. Using the power to charge interest rate on the money that does not exist PRC tightly controls money supply and inflation. That is how the PRC became unbelievably rich and powerful, as we witness today. FINAL DESTINATION TOTALITARIANISM.!

In addition to unlimited money, PRC also instituted Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to illegally tax we, the people, on our labor income as well. PRC have been conducting false flag operations, propaganda campaigns, political manipulation, warmongering and murdering the mineral rich territories inhabitants, thus seizing, taking over and profiting enormously. They want to keep everybody on a leash, and will not allow any one to enjoy life and property as they do.
- Must read “Bloodlines of Illuminati” - By Fritz Springmeier - 1995

The rest of us have to pay rent. Large majority of folks beg, borrow and steal to come up with 5% down payment and borrow the rest of the 95% from a bank. Then rent couple of stories of the house to rent slaves, never bother thinking how unfair it would be to evict those hard working rent paying tenants who paid the mortgage and made it possible for the now homeowner to actually own the house. And as soon as the home owner finish paying off the bank loan, they would not think twice about kicking the poor rent slave out and replace him, or her with another rent slave and charge them more rent.

U.S. central and states governments treasonous politicians are all on a tight leash of the said PRC, the reason why you can only find rental apartment buildings. Due to many tax exemptions, incentives, favors, even grants and low interest rate finance provided by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) central and state governments to encourage construction of rental apartment buildings only. Hardly any cooperative, or condominium buildings to prevent rent slavery and promote home ownership.

The fair and just idea would be to pass legislation allowing rent slave tenants to claim ownership of the place they had been paying rent for. Meaning that if any rent slave tenant has been living and paying rent for over five (5) years she, he should be given the opportunity to sign a contract with the home owner and become partner, owning her / his own apartment, while continue paying RENT, or LOAN installment. Also if a rent slave has been living and paying rent in any rental apartment for over twenty (20) years, they should receive the title-deed to their own apartment and stop paying rent.

You must begin to educate and help yourself, because no one else would.! Fact, since the savings and loan, S&L or "thrift" PRC highway robbery of 1986 to 1995, Wall Street and investment bankers began buying any and all residential real estate, houses and apartments dime on a dollar, intentionally driving the property prices sky-high, along with raising rent as high as they possibly could. Residential real estate should never be used as investments, anyone who owns a house or an apartment should be living in it. Corporations and investors should never be aloud to buy residential property, real estate and apartments, thus gaining monopoly, deliberately driving real estate prices and residential rent sky-high.

Never forget that no one is going to give you anything.  And if at any time a politician tells you vote for me and I will do something about it, they are lying.  What she / he mean is that they want your vote to rule over you.  It is all up to you.  You can call and visit their offices, discuss the rent slavery issues with them and their staff as often as you can.  Make sure your state assembly members and state senators understand that you mean business.

You must demand formation of a (Ending Rent Slavery) legislation prohibiting and preventing corporations to own and operate residential real estate of any kind, thus compelling all corporate residential real estate holders to publicize their inventory of residential portfolios and sell off all of them to individual buyers who do not own another residential property, within maximum of twenty four (24) months.   Furthermore, to encourage and spread (toxic chemical free) crop rotation and organic farming, the same or another legislation could also include the similar prohibition rules and regulations regarding farm lands.  Meaning those who own more than one farm and are not farmers, should also sell off their extra farms to farmers who do not own a farm land, and are interested in farming using crop rotation and organic farming methods.

* Read and or download a free copy, everybody must read this amazing factual book.
Bloodlines of Illuminati - By: Fritz Springmeier - 1995

* For more revealing info see:
Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion

* 180 Degree - Unlearn The Lies You Have Been Taught To Believe