
Toxicology vs Virology - Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud - By Dr. Sam Bailey

Eugenics - An Evil, Immoral And Pseudoscientific Ideology

- By Bahram Maskanian - March 09, 2017

The parasite ruling class psychopaths has always been searching for viable false flag operation to be used for castrating, sterilizing countless men and women.  And or murder large number of innocent children, women and men under the umbrella of protecting the nation, by waging wars, committing genocide, or using public health and safety excuses to reduce population for tighter and easier control. 

Eugenics was coined the science of improving human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Charles Darwin and his cousin Francis Galton in Britain starting in 1883.  The so called method of improving the human race, fell into disfavor only after the Nazi Germany overtly begin using Eugenics doctrines.

Eugenics Society of America was founded by Andrew Carnegie in the United States.  America's first general-purpose philanthropic foundations: Russell Sage (founded 1907), Carnegie (1911), and Rockefeller (1913) they all funded and backed eugenics, precisely encouraging the efforts to promote the reproduction of the “fit” and to suppress the reproduction of the “unfit”.

The nefarious parasite ruling class Eugenics Ideology, rejects Natural Law, that all human beings are created equal, thus redefine humanity purely in terms of mythical genetic superiority.  Eugenics racist doctrine includes pursuit of pure genetic pool, and elimination of the ”Unfit Races”, or 95% of humanity on planet Earth.!

Eugenics (population reduction) has many different branches one of which is “Transhumanism” a new way of thinking about the humanity’s future, based on the premise that the human species in its current form is too dumb and not good enough to live in today’s world of high tech. Therefore robotic elements must be incorporated into humans to increase the survival chance of humanity based on the eugenics vision and ideology.

The obvious truth we, the people are not told is the fact that all universities, governments and human rights organizations are completely aware that the best population reduction is health, happiness and prosperity.  Healthy, Happy and prosperous people all over the world will have less children in time of peace and prospers environment.  Therefore if anyone still advocating Eugenics should stop, investigate, read and think.  

We, the people must be mindful of all propaganda reported. The mass media by not reporting the truth legitimizes mass murder of war. In fact, mass medias talking heads and operators are the real terrorist for deliberately covering up the truth and hypnotizing the public to allow the government to conduct wars of aggression, thus achieving more of the parasite ruling class’s world domination, political and economic objectives by murdering millions of innocent children, women and men.

The same propaganda dissemination is also used regarding world’s population. Where the closeted ordinary Eugenist folks, secretly approve Eugenics operations based on their ignorance of the facts.

The U.S. Census Bureau who has army of paid foot soldiers to go door to door, failed year after year to accurately count America’s population, has setup a “World Population Clock” to guess the world population. - Again a computer model, concocted by the parasite ruling class, where the programmers can easily manipulate the outcome, thus broadcasting the needed estimate for Eugenics mass murder justification, that as of September 2022, world population will be - 7,922,312,800 - people and is expected to reach…! The fact is that world population has been declining since late 1970s to four billion by 2020.

Knowledge is power.! We, the people can easily initiate changes and reforms necessary by first and foremost educating ourselves, our loved ones and friends. To remedy humanity’s current tyrannical situation peacefully, using nonviolent resistance, we must share what we learn, that CIA, British intelligence and others like them work for the committee of 300 low-level crime families, whom are under the control of the symbolically alluded to as the thirteen top families; known as: “Deep State”, or “Ruling Oligarchy”, or “Parasite Ruling Class”, or “Secret Cabal”, or “Illamanaties”, or “Zionists”, or “Eugenist”, or “Nation-less Corporations”, or Multi Nationals, or “City of London”, etc., they are all referring to the same nefarious families secretly controlling planet Earth. The top of the pyramid families are as follows:

Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Harknesses, along with few other filthy rich billionaires, controlling everything. - - “Bloodlines of Illuminati” - By Fritz Springmeier

They are overtly poisoning our air, called geo-engineering, or chem-trails, spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere from aircrafts high above, while we are lied to and vaccinated with toxic chemicals, as our produce and foods are contaminated with highly toxic GMOs and chemical herbicides and fertilizers, and our water with fluoride.  Marching towards their Eugenics goals.  And these are what we know.!

Read and or download a free copy, everybody must read this amazing factual book.
Bloodlines of Illuminati - By: Fritz Springmeier - 1995

Alex Thomson - UK Column - Grand Jury Proceeding the Court of Public Opinion

Interview 1766 - The Underpopulation Bomb - #NewWorldNextWeek