
Episode 414 - The Future of Censorship

Published: March 05, 2022

Welcome to The . . . The . . . Corbert Report? Hosted by, uhhhh . . . James? CorBETT? I'm filling in for today. I'd send you to his website but I forget what that is. Oh, I know! Let's look it up on YouTube! What could go wrong? Censorship?

We must stop: Apple Siri - Google Assistant - Google Duplex and Amazon Alexa from manipulating and controlling our lives and behavior. Your cellphone has become your master, your cellphone is a double agent, every dollar you spend, every move you make and every word you say is reported.! The Artificial Intelligence leash is getting tighter and tighter.! You should write a sign and tape it on to your TV screen that says: “Human Sees, Human Told, Human Does”. - Wake-up.!

Did you ever thought that it would come a day when the leadership of the United States and Canada would have the same IQ of a peanut.? How could that happen.? By design, this is exactly planned and put in place by the parasite ruling class.! Why.? Because in order to dumb down the masses you need stupid education, stupid press and media, stupid actors, stupid prostituted politicians and leaders.

To change the future for better, for you and your children, start using cash for your purchases, teach your children the precious value of books and public libraries, find what you need in your own state, city and community, learn how to cook, get involve with your children education, and learn critical thinking.

We Were Warned About Computer Driven Self-Fulfilling Prophecies