
Story of The Two Battling Wolves

- By Bahram Maskanian

One evening under the beautiful blanket of twinkling stars, a wise old Cherokee man start talking to his grandson about the internal battle and the struggle that goes on within every single one of us, the humankind.

He said:

My son, in all of humankind history there has always been an inner battle and struggle between two powerful wolves, both residing inside every single one of us.

One is Evil, characterized by: greed, envy, racism, murder, anger, jealousy, arrogance, resentment, inferiority, deception, elitism, false pride, selfishness, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good, exemplified by: common sense, reason, love, peace, compassion, justice, truth, love of Mother Earth, hope, fairness, joy of life, humility, benevolence, happiness, serenity, empathy, generosity, integrity, and sense of community.

The grandson thought about the words of wisdom he just heard for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "grandpa which wolf wins.?"

The old Cherokee man simply replied: "the one you feed the most.!"